The Amazing Book Awards

Shoreham Academy, Kingston Lane, Shoreham-by-Sea, BN43 6YT

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Important Dates for Your Diary

Friday 19th June 2026 - The ABA Awards Night

me005[1]For eight years, Gillian was a member of the committee which advises  government ministers about public libraries. She has always used  libraries (a lot), and thinks it’s very important that public libraries should continue to be free and open to everyone. (So do we!)

She now spends most of her time writing and looking after her family.  She also edits the parish magazine in the village where she lives, and travels around quite  a lot, talking to children and adults, where she says ‘It’s pretty hard to stop me talking.’

She’s done quite a lot of travelling abroad to speak about her books.  She’s been to Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden, Brazil, Australia and  Mexico, among other places.  Wherever she goes, she likes to talk to people (of course) and to look at paintings and sculptures. she says she writes because she loves telling stories and finding out about things. She doesn’t think her stories have ‘messages’, but she does like to write about people in difficult and dangerous situations. She’s very interested in how they cope and the decisions they make.

If you want to know more about Gillian and her life, you could consult the AuthorZone magazine which has interviews and information about a  hundred authors.  You can find out about that on

After Tomorrow


After Tomorrow: What if you woke up tomorrow and everything had changed? Money is worthless. Your friends are gone. Armed robbers roam the streets. No one is safe.

For Matt and his little brother, Taco, that nightmare is a reality. Their only hope of survival is to escape through the Channel Tunnel. But danger waits on the other side…

Stay or go. What would you do?