The Amazing Book Awards

Shoreham Academy, Kingston Lane, Shoreham-by-Sea, BN43 6YT

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Important Dates for Your Diary

Friday 19th June 2026 - The ABA Awards Night

In 2019 we established a new reward scheme for our lovely, dedicated and extremely hard working Librarians, LRC Managers and English Teachers. That being the “Brucie Bonus” – which is a way to a very special prize.

The Bonus’ will be hidden in various communications sent out throughout the year. The first two will be hidden in the Welcome Packs. The following two will be with the Shortlist Posters, and then a final one will be sent with Evening Invites.

Whomsoever shall find a Bonus of Bruce will receive their very own ABA Goodie Bag. (Like wot the authors get.) Which is just like the Goodie Bags the students can win but with added wine.

Insert: WOOHOO here….