The Amazing Book Awards

Shoreham Academy, Kingston Lane, Shoreham-by-Sea, BN43 6YT

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Important Dates for Your Diary

Friday 19th June 2026 - The ABA Awards Night

ai[1]Rachel is a fortysomething author, currently writing novels for teenagers and young adults (some adults like them too). Her first novel, Numbers, was published in January 2009, and was shortlisted for the Waterstones Children’s Book Prize, longlisted for the Carnegie Medal and won regional prizes in the UK and Germany including the Angus Book Award, the Oxfordshire Book Award and the Salisbury Schools Book Award.

She currently lives in Bath, with her husband and two children.

She likes: Reading, Early mornings (no, really, Dogs (especially lurchers and collies), Cats (even the mean ones), Being at home with her family, Swimming (especially outdoors), Watching TV (okay, falling asleep watching the TV), Vegetarian food, Fairtrade anything (Rooibos tea, decaff coffee, chocolate), Kindness, Bath (where she lives), Keynsham, Swanage, Cornwall, Washington State, Alaska (she’s never been there, but yearns to go), Watching films (Sense and Sensibility, Minority Report, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, School of Rock, Inception, Up, Moon, Moonrise Kingdom, Mission to Lars), Potatoes in all their lovely forms, Going to gigs (sometimes), Oh yes, and Writing!

She doesn’t like: Too much noise, Being late, Being patronised, Being bullied, Prawn cocktail crisps and Dark mornings and dark evenings.

The Drowning


The Drowning: What happens if you’ve done something terrible? But you can’t remember what. And you don’t know how to put it right …

When Carl opens his eyes on the banks of a
lake, his brother is being zipped into a body bag. What happened in the water? He can’t remember And when he glimpses A beautiful girl he thinks he recognises, she runs away. Suddenly he knows he must find her – because together they must face the truth before it drowns them.