The Amazing Book Awards

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Friday 20th June 2025 - The ABA Awards Night

These are the lucky 20 Books that have made our 2012 Long-list now it’s up to you to whitle them down to just 5 books. Here’s the Nomination Form

Click the link to read the book blurbs: ABA Long-list

Make sure you send us your nominations by 21st Feb …

  1. 0.4 by Mike Lancaster
  2. Artichoke Hearts by Sita Brahmachari
  3. A Beautiful Lie by Irfan Master
  4. Being Billy by Phil Earle
  5. Blackhope Enigma by Teresa Flavin
  6. Bloodline by Kate Cary
  7. The Blue-Eyed Aborigine by Rosemary Hayes
  8. Dark Ride by Caroline Green
  9. iBoy by Kevin Brooks
  10. If I Could Fly by Jill Hucklesby
  11. In the Bag by Jim Carrington
  12. Iron Witch, by Karen Mahoney
  13. Ministry of Pandemonium by Chris Westwood
  14. Pretty Twisted by Gina Blaxill
  15. Prisoner of the Inquisition by Theresa Breslin
  16. The Dead by David Gatward
  17. The Glass Collector by Anne Perera
  18. Tyme’s End by B R Collins
  19. Wereworld by Curtis Jobling
  20. Young Sherlock Holmes:  Death Cloud by Andrew Lane

* click on the picture for a closer look at the long-list book covers *


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