The Amazing Book Awards

Shoreham Academy, Kingston Lane, Shoreham-by-Sea, BN43 6YT

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Important Dates for Your Diary

Friday 19th June 2026 - The ABA Awards Night

The ABAs 2022

Get ready for the BIGGEST ABAs yet!

We’re BACK baby!!

Good afternoon!

We are thrilled to get in touch with you about the first phase of this years’ Amazing Book Awards! Following on from our virtual award event last year, we are really looking forward to the chance to meet in person again and give all of our readers an opportunity to meet the authors at this Summer’s awards night, as things used to be!

Firstly we want to say a big thank you to all of you for supporting us and staying on board with the strange covid times that we have had and the impact it had on the awards events. As promised, if you paid last years’ subscription, you are automatically enrolled in the 2022 programme, no questions asked. We have set up a google drive folder where we will again post all the resources as we create them. We will message out as we add items in, for those who do not have access to google drive.

We want to share the timeline for this year’s programmes, so that you can plan accordingly:

As you can see, there are lots of important dates coming up, and we’d love for you all to be as involved as possible.

The first 2 events are key to ensure that we have a brilliant selection of titles that our readers are interested in and will enjoy on our long list, before they vote for the short list. If you and your readers have any recommendations of titles to add to the Long List, please can we have these by Monday 13th December.

We will share the provisional long list with participating schools before the Christmas holiday break. This will be in advance of a meeting for those that can attend (virtually or physically) on Tuesday 11th January, where we will collectively discuss these with your book group as to the titles they would like to see on the official long list in advance of this meeting. We do not expect you or your students to have read the books at this point, but obviously feedback from those that have read them is incredibly useful! We will mainly be looking for what your readers what they think of the blurb of the books, if they are not engaged from the outset, this may be enough to make the difference as to what makes the final cut (usually around 20 titles).

We will follow up with more detail as we go through the year, but do feel free to contact any of us if you have more questions.

If you have not joined us before, or have subscription enquiries, please contact Rachel Johnson

Any school resource enquires or general questions, please contact Sally Baker

Any social media or publisher contact queries, please contact Viv Dacosta

In order for a book to qualify for this years’ awards, they should fit the following criteria:

  • The books must be published between the 1st February 2021 and 31st January 2022. 
  • The books must be in paperback for the first time in the UK. 
  • It must also be either the first in a series or a stand-alone novel and they need be aimed at students in secondary school. (14+ years)

We have asked publishers to submit qualifying titles too, so we often end up with a VERY long provisional list for us to trim to our official long list. Please do share comments from your readers with us to ensure we do get the books that our students will be most excited to find on the final long list. You can share these with us at the Hive Mind meeting in January or share them with us in advance so we can include them on the information spreadsheet that we share with participating schools.


Thank you so much for your ongoing support and enthusiasm. It’s so fantastic to work with people so active in engaging young readers.  You all rock!

Not signed up yet this year? Follow this link: 2022 ABA Subscription Form

Warmest wishes,