The Amazing Book Awards

Shoreham Academy, Kingston Lane, Shoreham-by-Sea, BN43 6YT

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Important Dates for Your Diary

Friday 19th June 2026 - The ABA Awards Night

Have you heard the news?


Wow! Can you believe it? We are only just 7 weeks away from the 2014 Amazing Book Awards Presentation Night (July 11th) Just 7 weeks!! Have you got your golden tickets yet? You can order them from us:

ABA Golden TicketFRIDAY 11th JULY

SlatedWe are so lucky to have the wonderful and multi-award winning Teri Terry (author of the amazing Slated, Fractured and Shattered) returning to the ABAs to be our fantastic host for the evening. Teri has lived in France, Canada, Australia and England. Moving constantly has kept Teri on the outside looking in much of her life. It has given her an obsession with characters like Kyla in Slated, who don’t belong or find themselves in unfamiliar places. Teri recently left her job with Buck’s Libraries to write full-time and complete her research MA on the depiction of terrorism in recent young adult dystopian literature.

Teri will be joined by all 5 of our finalist authors. Gemma Malley, Gillian Cross, James Dawson, Jane McLoughlin and Rachel Ward. All the authors will be talking about their books, their inspirations and the very interesting lives. They will also be available to chat and sign their books at the end of the night. * The Book Nook, Hove, will be with us selling copies of our finalists (and Teri’s) books so you can buy them on the night. * The Friends of Shoreham Academy will be with us too, selling some yummy light refreshments throughout the evening.

We will be at Shoreham Academy again this year. Doors open at 6:00 pm, we really hope to see you there! (We will send you more details about this soon)

The closing dates for voting and the competitions (June 27th) are fast approaching so just keep reading!