Hello all,
It gives us very great pleasure to announce The Sussex Coast Schools Amazing
Book Awards Long List – 2013.
- VIII by H. M. Caster
- Blood Red Road by Moria Young
- Cracks by Caroline Green
- Daylight Savings by Edward Hogan
- Dead Time by Anne Cassidy
- The Fury by Alexander Gordon Smith
- Mister Creecher by Chris Priestley
- Momentum by Saci Lloyd
- A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
- The Repossession by Sam Hawksmoor
- Saving Daisy by Phil Earle
- Six Days by Philip Webb
- Slated by Teri Terry
- Unrest by Michelle Harrison
- Wolf Blood by N.M. Browne
Follow this link for the nomination form…. 2013 Long List Nomination Form (Students)We’ve decided to make it a bit better this year. So each student gets a vote we’ve created a new nomination form. Students then choose which 5 books they want to read, you collect the forms and then tell us your top 5 books. But don’t worry if you have a couple of books with the same score – send them to us too and we’ll work out the overall “winners”.
Follow this link for the schools nomination form: 2013 Long List Nomination Form (Schools)
Follow this link for PDF versions of the Long List posters … ABA 2013 Long List Posters … your Long List voting pack is already on it’s way to you.
You can order books from the Long List from the Book Nook – follow this link for the order form:ABAs Long List Order Form 2013
Remember you need to send us your book choices by Monday 4th Feb. and we’ll announce the shortlist on Friday 8th Feb. Then all you have to do is start reading! It’s that simple!! If you have any questions remember you can always drop us a line @ info@amazingbookawards.co.uk
Have fun deciding!