The Amazing Book Awards

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Welcome to the ABAs 2014

Welcome to the Amazing Book Awards website. We can’t believe it’s September already and we are starting to take new membership subscriptions and recommendations for the Long List 2014. Last year (2013) was an amazing year!! We had 5 fantastic finalist books (and authors) and a very worthy gold award winner in Teri Terry for the brilliant Slated. 2014 looks set to be even more amazing, epic in fact! Yay!

2013 Gold Award Winner: Teri Terry – Slated

Kyla’s memory has been erased,
her personality wiped blank,
her memories lost for ever.

She’s been Slated.

The government claims she was a terrorist, and that they are giving her a second chance—as long as she plays by their rules. But echoes of the past whisper in Kyla’s mind. Someone is lying to her, and nothing is as it seems. Who can she trust in her search for the truth?

If you would like to join us this year either again or first the first time please follow this link to the subscription form….ABA Subscription Form 2013-2014

If you would like to recommend books for our 2014 Long List this is the form you need….ABA Recommendations for Long List Form

When recommending books we have a few simple rules we need you to follow:

  1. The author must be based in the UK; they don’t have to be British just live here.
  2. The book must have been published in paperback between 1st June 2012 and 31st May 2013.
  3. The book cannot be part of a series – unless it is the first part.

We really hope you can join us this year. We are open to all Secondary Schools. If you would like more information about us and how we got started look at our Frequently Asked Questions page or email us directly on:,

Tweet us on: @SussexABA (or follow the direct link below) or Like us on Facebook: The Amazing Book Awards Page (or follow the direct link below).

Really hope we hear from you soon,